Ural State University of Railway Transport

Личный кабинет студента
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«Innotrans» Journal

Founder: Russian Academy of Transport, The Ural State University of Railway Transport (USURT)

Editor-in-chief: Alexander G. Galkin, Prof., DSc, Rector of USURT, Chairman of the Ural Branch of RAT

E-mail: AGalkin@usurt.ru

Science editor: Dmitry G. Nevolin, DSc, Professor

Editor: Elena V. Chagina

Design and makeup: Ekaterina Yu. Boyarnikova, Olga P. Ignatyeva

Address: 66 Kolmogorov Street, 620034, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Telephone: +7 (343) 221-24-42

E-mail: innotrans@mail.ru

About the journal

The main purpose of the publication is popularization of knowledge and achievements in the transportation industry, review of major events in the field of transport with respect to innovation development. This fully applies not only to railway transport, but also to automobile, aviation, water and other promising types of transport.

The journal is founded by the Russian Academy of Transport (RAT), Ural State University of Railway Transport (USURT).

Published since November 2011.

Published every three months.

Certificate of registration of mass media issued by Roskomnadzor, PI No. 77-46984 FS of October 14, 2011.

Subscription index in Russia's national catalog "Rospechat" - 85022.

Information about published articles is regularly provided according to the prescribed form to RINC system (Russian Science Citation Index) \ (elibrary.ru).

"Innovative Transport" journal has full-text online version on the USURT website.

Every issue of the journal is necessarily sent to the Russian State Library, as well as to other leading libraries, educational and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation.

Any copyright infringement is prosecuted.

Reprint of materials from the journal is allowed only by editors' agreement.