
Уральский государственный университет путей сообщения

Ural State University of Railway Transport

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и преподавателя

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Date of the event: December 8, 2023 

Timings:  9.00 AM (EKB GMT+5) – 12.30 PM (EKB GMT+5)

                11.00 AM (Jakarta GMT+7) – 14.30 PM (Jakarta GMT+7)

Venue: Ural State University of Railway Transport

Format of the event: hybrid

Language: English

Conference link  - https://conf.usurt.ru/b/wkh-zcn-prr

                               Room – Б2-15 USURT


The Fourth industrial revolution is uncovering a series of disruptive changes in both business models and their supporting production chains. Logistics, an elementary component of these processes, is unavoidably impacted by such significant changes. This fourth revolution is characterised by its speed, magnitude and depth. Consequently, future logistics systems must aim for interconnected information and optimised time and resources, with considerable investment in development and innovation to maintain competitiveness. Current challenges in modern logistics systems, and urban logistics in particular, include the following:

  • Innovative solutions in logistics have changed the way goods are transported and delivered. The industry is witnessing many new solutions focused on unique value-added services, which are disrupting the overall supply chain ecosystem. In the future urban logistics will be dominated by connected, shared, autonomous, and electric solutions. For instance, emerging technologies such as IoT, Big Data, predictive analytics, cloud computing, crowd-sourcing platforms and connected devices will be deeply present in logistics;
  • Expansion of urbanisation will require unique city logistics solutions that are expected to open up avenues for smart and integrated logistics solutions;
  • The urban landscape will also require suitable IT solutions with a higher focus on cloud services and vehicle-to-vehicle technologies that will allow providers to effectively manage load factors, improve fuel efficiency and deliver better economies of scale;
  • Logistics 4.0 is characterised by the optimisation of time and resources, chain traceability, security and integrity of data and suitable interoperability between different human and digital actors. This digital ecosystem also facilitates innovation and the creation of new knowledge-based services and business models that foster a more socially and environmentally sustainable trade. 


Anashkina Natalya Yurevna - Cand. Sc. Philology, Vice-Rector for International Affairs USURT


Gashkova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna - Ph.D. in Economics, Head of the Department «International Economy and Logistics», USURT;

Balakin Sergej Vladimirovich - Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor, Head of the Department «Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication», USURT;

Panchenkova Mariya Fedorovna - Senior Lecturer of the Department «Foreign Languages and Intercultural; Communication», USURT;

Mr Iqbal - PhD, ITL Trisakti.

Main Subject Categories of the conference

1. Modernization of logistics in the region;

2. Solutions in the field of transport logistics;

3. The role of Big data in logistics process management;

4. Intelligent logistics;

5. Digital technologies in logistics;

6. E-commerce logistics;

7. Supply chain management in modern conditions;

8. Urban logistics;

9. Logistics 4.0.


1. Innovations in the Field of Transport Services (Ksenia Parshukova, Arina Ustalova, Daria Remenshchikova, Alexandra Tsittser, USURT) (scientific supervisor - Gashkova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna, USURT);

2. Traffic congestion in Ekaterinburg (Valentina Kovaleva, Polina Kosenets, Arseniy Mitroshin, USURT) (scientific supervisor - Anashkina Natalya Yurevna, USURT);

3. The Key Milestones in the History of Logistics (Gleb Khorozhev, USURT) (scientific supervisor - Panchenkova Mariya Fedorovna, USURT);

4. Development of Urban Transport in Modern Economic Conditions (Yulianna Hmyzenko, Karina Raut, Angelina Podolskaya, USURT) (scientific supervisor - Panchenkova Mariya Fedorovna, USURT);

5. Modern Logistics Management: Optimizing the Flow of Goods and Consumer Experience (Ekaterina Usenko, USURT) (scientific supervisor - Panchenkova Mariya Fedorovna, USURT);

6. The Problems of Traffic Congestion in the World (Lavetsky Andrey, Vaseluk Ivan, USURT) (scientific supervisor - Anashkina Natalya Yurevna, USURT);

7. Analysis Logistics Information Systems And Waiting Line Methods On Lion Parcel Customer Satisfaction During Covid-19 (2020-2021) (Ariyo Adi Nurcahyo, Maulidiyah Usnul Khotimah, ITL Trisakti) (scientific supervisor - Mr Iqbal, PhD, ITL Trisakti);

8. Public Transport in Ekaterinburg (Sergey Starykh, Bogdan Minigulov, Stepan Kleshnin) (scientific supervisor - Anashkina Natalya Yurevna, USURT);

9. The Effect of Real-Time Tracking and Timeliness of Delivery Towards Gen Z Customer Satisfaction in The Use of Marketplace Post-Pandemic (Arma Diaz Al Ayubi, Muhammad Taj Syariq Alif , ITL Trisakti) (scientific supervisor - Mr Iqbal, PhD, ITL Trisakti).